![<php echo $logo['alt'];?>](https://www.pgrfcstrollers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Strollers-Badge-150x150.png)

Juke Box
Tour Out Of Hell
We will, dazed and knacked-up, distraught, ever dwell on
The fact that for rugby we’re greatly renowned
So in Belgium for the ninth time the Strollers are touring
Twixt Antwerp and Preston there’s well-trodden ground
The first little tussle’s against Dendermonde
No quarter is given or sought on the pitch
Then shake hands in the bar, exchange songs and stories
Thirst-quenching and wenching – Oh ain’t life a bitch
Then it’s back on the bus and it’s back to Antwerpen
For Drinking and singing increases your thirst
First Pintjes and dubbles then trippels and duvels
And bollekes Koninck and happen some Geuze
The sounds and the lights of Antwerpen by night
Are enough to disfettle a Preston Lad’s brain
Being surrounded by lasses as comely as film stars
From dumb salivation scarce can we refrain
Next day back on th’bus and it’s straight off to Leuven
Heedless of yedwarch for more of the same
Into the bar for the crack and the choruses
Singing the praise of the old-fashioned game