![<php echo $logo['alt'];?>](https://www.pgrfcstrollers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Strollers-Badge-150x150.png)

Juke Box
After Maastricht
It’s after Maastricht so we’ll make our May trip
To Europe, our finest rugby tour
We’ll spread joy and pleasure in copious measure
At every open bar room door
The minstrels will sing their songs, the players will win again
And Ashcan will fall in love, in his own special way again
It’s after Maastricht so we’ll make our next trip
To Belgium our finest rugby tour
You’ll see Strollers reeling, and Strollers kneeling
In Belgium, when we go on tour
If we climb the beef mountain reduce the wine fountain
Our C. A. P. duty will be o’er
The colts will be well controlled, the forwards will touch their toes
And Big Bird will win at cards, the same as he always does
It’s after Maastricht so we’ve made our May trip
To Belgium our finest rugby tour