![<php echo $logo['alt'];?>](https://www.pgrfcstrollers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Strollers-Badge-150x150.png)

Strollers Sketch Book
There are very few rugby teams that have dedicated cartoon characters to embellish their Literary Works. This is mainly because few rugby teams can call on the talents of a Penny Moore, cartoonist extraordinaire, long-suffering wife of Ken (sedate fly half, keyboard and trombone jazzman and pantomime writer, and mother of Jim and Tom, Touring Colts. What began as a simple request for a Veteran Hopper In Distress’ figure, grew into a lexicon of characters fitting all the places we played and people we interacted with.
With our eternal thanks to Penny, here are but a few . . . .